The so-called. Conservative treatment without the use of a knife and interference in the tissue. This treatment should be carried out by a person trained in such methods of treatment.
It involves the use of various types of dressings immobilization (plaster splint, weight thermoplastic) or braces on the fingers, wrist, extremities. Immobilization may be rigid, eg. Spatula, camera Stuck or dynamic-moving example. Outrigger and even mixed systems - dynamic splinting sp. Kleinert (a combination of rigid immobilization of the moving part). For non-operative methods include the so-called. Locks or administration of the drug against inflammatory to reduce or remove the inflammation and pain in your area Use a sling after the injury it is also part of the non-operative treatment.
Physical therapy / rehabilitation is a non-surgical method of treatment of many diseases of the upper limb. The most frequently used single stage several different techniques, non-surgical treatments such as .: immobilization, physical therapy, wearing a sling.