Before the operation
Patients who decide to execute him surgery is previously informed by their surgeon about their disease, the possibilities of its treatment of inoperable, operating informed about the possible effects obtainable implemented the treatment and the possible complications that may occur during or after surgery, and possible complications. Performed by a surgeon before surgery is discussed with the patient using images of Atlas of Anatomy or models to accurately explain the complexity of the construction of the operated part and the disease to be treated surgically.
The patient also has the ability to view photos or videos of similar operations. Surgeon in a fair and professional present to the patient what the patient can expect after surgery, what the surgery. Very often divergent expectations patient associated with the obtained result of post-operative after having to undergo surgery and what it actually can bring. Keep in mind that surgery is trauma to the limb and carries sensations such as pain, swelling, limitation of movement, and the scar, which always remains after surgical intervention.
Some treatments may entail the need to perform further surgery in the next stages. If the patient has any doubts of having to be with him made the surgery should ask the surgeon having to perform this surgery before or on the day of his execution.
Before surgery, the patient should know what professional qualifications have a team participating in the execution of surgery (surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurses) and under what conditions-operating room is to be performed surgery. The patient signing the informed consent for surgery may not have doubts about the indications and the benefits it will bring him made surgery. Surgeon expressing consent to perform surgery on the patient takes responsibility for professional, reliable performance of a medical procedure in accordance with his knowledge and skills.