After the surgery
Dressing founded on the operated limb after surgery can be:
- soft
- compression
- gypsum
- dynamic
It is important that the patient reported any comments on the discomfort I noticed after the founding of the dressing (pressure, friction). In this case the dressing will be unrolled and re-established. Operated limb must necessarily be lifted in a sling elevation, which is a very important part of recovery. Lifting the legs reduces the formation of blood stasis, edema, and what follows it reduces pain, improves mobility and accelerates wound healing.
If after the operation the patient begins to feel increasing pain or throbbing in the operated limb despite the use of a sling should report this fact to the hospital staff or operates Tell your doctor if this occurs after leaving the facility where the surgery was performed.
After surgery the patient in order to obtain the best effect after the operation should follow the advice of the doctor performing the surgery, eg .:
- the medicine recommended after the operation should be used according to the doctor’s indications,
- to report for a control visit on the appointed day
- refrain from getting the wound wet
- change the dressing and disinfect the wound every day,
- continuation of recommended exercises such as dynamic splinting