What is it?
Benign tumors of different size and consistency usually located on the dorsal, palmar side of the wrist at the base of the thumb, or over small ponds on their toes. They are filled with a gelatinous content "balloon", whose start (pedicle) - begins in the joints. There are also less common forms of cysts forming in troczkach tendons or ligaments themselves.
It is difficult to determine the cause of the cyst. Can initiate the formation of trauma (eg. Stroke fist on the table, jerk), inflammation of the tendons or other indefinite factor.
Symptoms, Testing and diagnosis
Large cysts are easy to diagnose. They are visible above the skin. They can be soft or hard, movable or immovable, single or multi-chamber may reduce the morning and enlarge the end of the day, they may be painless or give pain, limited mobility or not. Your doctor may order additional tests ultrasound, X-ray, CT, IMR to accurately assess the size and location changes. There are small cysts visible on the outside causing pain their visualization is possible only after these studies.
A simple diagnostic test is a performance test "translucency". Highlighting flashlight cyst causes it to 'glow'.
Not all cysts should be treated surgically. The cysts often disappear spontaneously - common in children. You can make punctures cyst-preferably under the control of ultrasound to distract the content and provide the drug to the cysts. It is required to immobilize the hand after such surgery.
We do not recommend breaking up (hitting book, etc.). Cysts as this could cause the creation of a multi cysts, which will require more extensive surgery to remove it.
The surgery involves excision of the cyst with a pedicle from the place of its creation. The treatment should be performed in a minimally invasive for the patient.
After the surgery
After the procedure used immobilization of the wrist (brace, splint gypsum) in order to heal the place where the cyst and wounds. After removing the immobilization begin a short rehabilitation streamlines the functioning of the hand. Despite the behavior of all the rules of treatment of cysts it happens that the cysts appear again.